OMINDEX methodology made available to boards, excos and investors

London, 24 February 2017: The Maturity Institute (MI), in conjunction with OMS LLP, releases today its OMINDEX (Organizational Maturity Ratings OM30+© template under a Shared IP Protocol.

Paul Kearns, MI Chair said: “We have made an important decision to share our OM30+ methodology (that produces Organisational Maturity Ratings for the OMS LLP OMINDEX). This is a crucial route to develop both greater understanding and the professional practice of organisational maturity and human governance, which will directly improve Total Stakeholder Value (TSV) as a result.

“We also see this as a crucial step in helping OM30+© become the defining global standard for measuring comparative organisational maturity which is linked to sustained value creation and risk mitigation. The original design of OMINDEX aimed for ratings to sit alongside traditional credit ratings, which are unable to provide good whole system insight into current and future corporate ‘health’. We have now begun to see this aim being realised and sharing this IP will greatly move us forward.”

Stuart Woollard, Managing Partner OMS LLP said: “Sharing this methodology will show boards, investors and key stakeholders the power of Organizational Maturity to analyse and measure so called intangibles such as corporate culture, human governance and workforce management and, at the same time, understand their impact on sustainable value and material business risk. We know from our own experience with companies and the investment community that this is compelling technology that enables comparative measures of critical organisational factors that are currently missing. It also facilitates the design of roadmaps for powerful organisational change to make companies fit for purpose in today’s evolving business paradigm.”


To obtain a copy of the OM30+ spreadsheet, for self-scoring your organization today, please send your details (Name, Organization, Job Title) to Stuart Woollard at OMS LLP. An outline pdf copy of the OM30+ is available online. The full working template is available from:

About the Maturity Institute

The Maturity Institute (MI) comprises a global network of professionally accredited leaders, practitioners and academics creating value for all stakeholders through organizational maturity that realises the full value of human potential for the benefit of society.

 About OMS LLP

Management quality and capability has been missing from conventional company management, valuation and investment decision making. Company failures and material value loss occur on a regular basis yet approaches to identify root causes use ineffective and weak diagnostics. Traditional analysis may identify certain corporate exemplars but not why they are able to generate long-term value differentiation. OMS fills that gap. OMS LLP researches, rates and advises on effective Organizational Maturity and Human Governance; a brand new discipline that finally makes whole, the way we examine, value and engage with companies to generate true, lasting value for all stakeholders.